Manga books.
Jag vill bara tacka alla manga författare för deras otroliga insats när det gäller att rita och författa en historia. Det är mer och mer människor som börjar uppskatta det. Helt otroligt, det är sådan underbar känsla att läsa manga och köpa mangan. För man måste köpa mangan och stödja mangakan!! Ett måste.
Nu var det ett tag sedan jag uppdaterade, så nu spyr jag ut allt.
Här är de senaste böckerna jag fick av min kära då jag fyllde år:

Korta sammanfattningar av böckerna:
Double cast - "Well-poised and blessed with good looks, Yuki Yamamuro is a talented young actor that no one can take their eyes off of. He's been toying with a young and seemingly innocent actor named Mitsuru Sawaki, but it's actually the other way's Mitsuru that's toying with Yuki. To make matters complicated, Ohtaki, the producer of show 'Casual Lover', is also after Mitsuru, and has decided to cast both of them on his show. The show has just begun on this game of love between two men who have their pride at stake."
Same Difference - "From their offices high in a corporate skyscaper, alpha males Ozaki and Tsuburaya make all the girls swoon. Ozaki is known for his irresistible pheromones, while Tsuburaya is a noble, worldly genius. But when these two rivals end up in a bed together, who will prove to be top dog? It's seme vs. seme - and much more than pride's on the line!"
Manic Love - "During the summer of his second year in high school, Maki Sonoda found love for the first time in the arms of his cram school teacher, Haruji Shirai. Blinded by the illusions of his first love, Maki can think only of getting to know Haruji more. But, things become complicated when Maki realizes that Haruji is really in love with high school teacher Mr. Mizuguchi. Three men find themselves intertwined in this tantalizing love triangle full of emotion."
Duetto - "Every time Shinobu and Ei-ichi see each other on campus at the university they start fighting. But, it turns out they actually live together in an apartment, and when they're there they act completely different. That is the relationship they keep a secret from the rest of the world..."
All yaoi manga.
För de som fortfarande inte vet vad YAOI är så är en kort och koncist förklaring här:
Yaoi är en genre inom manga som handlar om Boys Love, kärlek mellan män.
Yaoi är ofast ritad och uppfunnen av kvinnor, för kvinnor.
[Extra notis: Seme = The guy on top. Uke = Guy on bottom. ]
Och nu har jag beställt sex stycken nya yaoi manga som kommer nästa vecka >:)
